Sunday, August 10, 2008

One of Many Holiday Posts (Easter)

One Easter when I was 3 or 4 my dear Mother decided it would be really cute if I dressed up in a bunny costume. She put on my tights, Easter dress, and fuzzy bunny costume with floppy ears. I told my Mom the costume was too hot. But instead of taking the costume off, she gave me a granola bar. It was the good kind of granola bar with chocolate chips, but it didn't matter much cause I couldn't open it with my "paws".

My Parents loaded me up in the car and we started out on the hour drive to Nana's. With my bunny costume on, the car felt like an oven and I started to feel queasy. I told my Parents I was going to throw up and they pulled over the car. I got out and puked all over my bunny costume. And while I was on the side of the road my precious granola bar slipped out of my paw and fell into the puke. I cried the rest of way to Nana's.

That was the last time my Mother made me dress in theme.

The Olympics

I spent the majority of my Saturday watching the Olympics. This was my first time really watching the Olympics since 1992. Back in '92 I was obsessed with the Olympics, watching as much as I could before bedtime. For the first time in my 10 year old life I felt I had a calling... to be an Olympic athlete. My only problem was that I wasn't particularly good at any sport, in fact I was exceptionally bad at sports. But I didn't let that squelch my dream.

That summer at Camp, I participated in the Camp Olympics. I'm pretty sure I competed in all events, relay race, running, swimming, etc. But the event I really shined in was the trampoline. I even could do tricks on the trampoline. One of the Olympic events at Camp was jumping, sitting down, and then standing up again on the trampoline. They timed us to see how many jump/sit/stands each of us could get in a minute. I seem to remember getting around 50 (not to brag or anything). This example of sheer athletic ability earned me a bronze "metal" in the Girls 9-10 bracket. I loved my bronze metal and decided that I could be an Olympic athlete in trampoline.

My Olympic dream was destroyed when my Parents informed me that the trampoline was not an Olympic event. I was determined to start a letter writing campaign to make sure my "sport" was recognized. A few weeks later I got a Nintendo and stoped caring about the Olympics.

Editors Note: I recently found out that trampoline IS an olympic sport. Do not worry, I am researching how to get myself into the 2012 Olympics in London. Stay tuned...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

The Prelude.

The year after college I lived with my parents (more about them later) and I worked relatively close by. Summer of 2004 I took a job with a firm about an hour and half from where my parents live. To cut down on my commute, I moved in with my 90 year-old Grandmother (aka Nana). Nana was an awesome roommate, she liked naps, knitting and would make dinner every night. But Nana also loved TV shows like Judge Judy, Matlock and Murder She Wrote, which she would watch at deafening volumes.

Anywho, without another TV to watch, I was forced to read. I started reading 4 or 5 books a week. The books, all geared towards 20 or 30 something women seemed to center around the same plot. Girl is unlucky in love, Mr. Wonderful turns out to be quirky neighbor, new guy at work, surfer dude chick meets on vacation, etc. they fall in love and live happily ever after.

I kept hoping for a book without a Prince Charming, as single girl without any prospects it just made me feel worse about my situation. Couldn't someone write a book about a single independent girl who navigates through life with the help of great friends, alcohol and celebrity gossip?

Well, I hope to write a book to fill this hole in the market! I am starting this blog to help my creative writing. Please feel free to leave comments or provide criticism... as long as it isn't too critical.